Saturday, November 17, 2012

Neo swing

I like The Royal Crown Revue, The Mighty Blue Kings, Roomful of Blues & Mitch Woods & His Rocket 88s. Those last 2 are kinda swingin' blues.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Kingdom of Loathing Names and Clans

Seal Clubber - LaFlarge of the Mastodon Munchers Clan
Turtle Tamer - Chelloni of the cricket Chompers Clan
Pastamancer - Anchovia of the Linguini Ladies Clan
Sauceror -  Froborscht of the SpƤtzle Specialists Clan
Disco Bandit - Rhinostone Jane of the Boogie Board Clan
Accordion Thief - Raoul de Fuego of the Arrrriba Locos Clan


Monday, August 20, 2012

10 Fascinating Bioluminescent Organisms

 Glowing Mushrooms (Mycena lux-coeli mushrooms)

Glowing Mushrooms  (Mycena lux-coeli mushrooms)
During Japan's rainy season, a glow-in-the-dark mushroom begins to sprout in Wakayama prefecture. The Mycena lux-coeli mushrooms sprout from fallen chinquapin trees and as they grow, a chemical reaction involving a light-emitting pigment occurs, causing them to glow a ghostly green. The caps can grow to as large as 2 cm (about 1 inch) in diameter, but because the mushrooms are prone to dehydration, they only have a few days to live once the rain stops. Just goes to show you that the curiosities of the world never cease! (Link)

 Hawaiian Bobtail Squid (Euprymna scolopes)

Hawaiian Bobtail Squid (Euprymna scolopes)
In the darkness of the deep ocean, some animals create their own light. Among these is the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes, which forms a partnership with the luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri. The squid houses colonies of these bacteria in special light organs, and it can control the brightness and direction of their illuminations. But these organs do much more than produce light - they detect it too. The organs generate nervous signals when they sense light and they're loaded with proteins responsible for detecting it. The light organs are effectively an extra set of primitive eyes, each equipped with its own "iris" and "lens". The squid comes equipped with a pair of living, 'seeing' flashlights. (Link)

 Alarm jellyfish (Atolla wyvillei)

Alarm jellyfish (Atolla wyvillei)
Some animals use their bioluminescence to "scream" for help. Once an animal is caught in the clutches of a predator, its only hope for escape may be to attract the attention of something bigger and nastier that may attack and eat whatever is about to eat it. This amazing light show is known as a "burglar alarm" display. The deep-sea jellyfish, Atolla wyvillei, is a master of this display.


 Jack-O-Lantern mushroom (Omphalotus olearius)

Jack-O-Lantern mushroom (Omphalotus olearius)
Through metabolic and physiological functions, all living things must produce and ultimately dispose of waste. This fungus exudes its waste through its gills, and some of these wastes are luciferases. Luciferases are enzymes commonly used for bioluminescence (or emission of light by a living organism) such as in fireflies. The Jack o'Lantern mushroom is an orange- to yellow-gill mushroom that to an untrained eye appears similar to some chanterelles. (Link)

 Luminescent Panellus (Panellus stipticus)

Luminescent Panellus  (Panellus stipticus)
Panellus stipticus is a widely distributed, hardwood-rotting saprobe, but it is more common in eastern North America than in the West. It is quite tough, and revives in rainwater after drying out, like many Marasmius species. This little mushroom has reportedly been used as a styptic (blood thickening) agent, and it has luminescent gills. (Link | Photo)

 Ctenophore BathocyroĆ«

Ctenophore Bathocyroƫ
We probably know more about the surface of the moon than we do the ocean. Every day we discover new species. This little beauty is Bathocyroe fosteri, a lobate ctenophore found at intermediate depths in all the seas. It's very common and abundant near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and measures about two inches tall. Because of its fragility, it was only described in 1978, when it was collected from a submersible. This genus can produce blue and green luminescence. (Link | Photo)


The dinoflagellates are a large group of flagellate protists. Most are marine plankton, but they are common in fresh water habitats as well. They are characterized by two flagella, one girdling the cell and the other trailing the cell. Some dinoflagellates exist in coral, in a symbiotic relationship. These dinoflagellates are termed the zooxanthellae. Other dinoflagellates occur in such high numbers that the water is colored red, a phenomenon known as a red tide. (Link 1 | Link 2)

 Crystal jelly (Aequorea Victoria)

Crystal jelly (Aequorea Victoria)
Aequorea victoria, also sometimes called the crystal jelly, is a bioluminescent hydrozoan jellyfish (which is also known as hydromedusae) that is found off the west coast of North America. You may not have heard of it, but the hydromedusa Aequorea victoria is probably the most influential bioluminescent marine organism. Calcium-activated photoprotein and green-fluorescent protein (GFP) were first discovered and cloned from this cnidarian. (Link)

 Glow worm (Lampyris noctiluca)

Glow worm (Lampyris noctiluca)
Lampyris noctiluca, the Common Glow-worm of Europe, is a firefly species of the genus Lampyris. These are beetles as evidenced by the hard cases that fold over the wings when not in use.. The females are often twice the size of the males (up to 25mm in length), but do not have wings, whereas the males do. The females emit the glow, whereas the males do not. (Link)

 Fireflies (Photinus pyralis)

Fireflies (Photinus pyralis)
Fireflies or lightning bugs make light within their bodies. They light up to attract a mate. To do this, the fireflies contain specialized cells in their abdomen that make light. (Link)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sex and Health

I found this on Redbook's website and thought it was really interesting.

Q. My fiancƩ loves for me to give him oral sex and I have no problem with that (believe me) , but he wants me to swallow his semen. Can it hurt me? Are there any health problems associated with swallowing semen?

A. The good news is that it's beneficial! Recently studies have shown that regular consumption of semen can actually have some wonderful health benefits. Semen contains at least 13 prostaglandins and high concentrations of hormones that retain potency if taken orally. The quality of the seminal hormones is thought to be superior to even prescription versions. In the study women who regularly consumed their lovers sperm showed such benefits as a reduction in ovarian cancers, lowered depression and many even had acne symptoms lessen or stop entirely. It is thought that the oral consumption of the potent hormones had a balancing effect on woman's hormonal ups and downs caused by their periods and pregnancy or breastfeeding.
The key to the findings is "regular consumption". Only once in blue moon won't have the same effect. Those that indulged once or twice a week received little benefits. The ones who received the results were the ones who ingested semen four to five times a week or more! Now that's dedication. If this seems like a lot of work you need to remember that your partner can assist in producing it. All though preferable, a blow job is not the only way to obtain semen. You might be surprised how fast your man can produce sperm for you all on their own.
Oddly enough only married or monogamous women showed the benefits. Those with multiple partners showed no beneficial effects or even reported detrimental effects. This is thought to be caused by the differences in the hormonal makeup of multiple partners.

1. Pregnant? Semen and sperm go down into your stomach, where they are digested with all your other food. There is no passage connecting your stomach to your ovaries. You can not get pregnant from swallowing sperm. If the donor has no STDs, it's perfectly safe. If you plan to have a baby with the man in question, it can also lower the chance of miscarriage. By having your body recognize the antigens in the mans semen you can reduce the possibility of an inappropriate immune response.

2. Fattening? Semen is full of protein, minerals (zinc Calcium), some fructose sugars and other nutrients. It has few calories, and is perfectly safe to swallow if it has no disease germs.

3. Your own? You can safely swallow your own semen. You can't catch a disease from yourself, only from other people. (Although you can spread your own germs to new, and perhaps more vulnerable, places on your body!)

Read more:

Look up the We Vibe a vibrator for use during hetero sex. invented by married couple


Monday, April 30, 2012


Anoxic environment  - a loriciferan identified as an undescribed species of the genus Spinoloricus. The creature has specialized organelles so that it can survive without oxygen. Scale bar is 50 microns.

Dunaliella Algae.  Lives in driest place on earth in Chile's Atacama desert.  Grow on top of spider webs, capitalizing on dew

Hyperthermophiles - survive extreme heat - 205 degrees F or more
Halophilic - high salt tolerant organisms
Psychrophiles - survive extreme cold - 5 degrees F
Endophiles - organisms that live inside rocks or other things thought impermeable to life, like crevices of animal shells, or pores b/w grains of minerals.  Have been found 2 miles below earth.  Not much water, but some studies show they may survive feeding on surrounding potassium, iron or sulfur.  While limited in some ways, they are protected from wind and water and solar radiation.

Deinococcus Radiodurans - named specifically for how much radiation it can. take.   can take a 15,000 gray dose of radiation.  10 grays is enough to kill a human.  1000 grays kills a cockroach.  ALSO survives extreme cold, dehydration, vacuum conditions, AND acids.  Known in Guiness book of records as "worlds toughest bacteria"

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Comic Blogs

Games I should try 2

Bastion - action RPG, narrator is great ***
Outland - sidesrolling ikaruga/metroidvania with prettier colors
Terraria - minecraft in 2D.  Dan Floyd likes better.  More game to it
Kingdom of Loathing - very old mmo.  fairly deep.  And Funny
Metro 2033
Depths of Peril - Diablo like
Monday Night Combat
Trenched - Tower defense, mechs WWI setting - by Double Fine
O Game - combat spreadsheets
World of Tanks
The Cat and the Coup - artsy fringe of gaming.  Free on steam
Earth Defense Force 2017 - blasting giant robots, insects, space dragons with big guns.  Stupid fun
Panzercorp, tank tactics game.  Like panzer general I and II
Runespell Overture - Puzzlequest RPG combat using poker hands
Catherine - Survival Horror Q-Bert with morality questions about relationships
MOnster Hunter 1 2 or 3.  Incredible rewarding game
The Stanley Parable

Rockethub, like Kickstarter

Extra Credits Indie Fund Search:!/ECIndieFund

Jailbrreaking PS3

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Games I should try

--fate of the world
--knights in the nightmare - FF tactics + Ikaruga
--Europa Universalis, Victoria II, Hearts of Iron  - Hardcore Historical Strategy.  Very hard to learn.  Change history in whatever way you find most interesting.

--Valkyria Chronicles
--The World Ends with You
--kings field the ancient city
--demon souls

--Radiant Historia - something like Chrono Trigger, SNES art.  DS?
--desktop dungeons - exploration as a limited resource.  Old school pixel art


--Super Crate box
-Owl boy
-Dust (xbox Live)

--Dissidia - besides fighting, RPG elements, and a deep single player experience

--Amnesia the dark descent

--Ghost Trick, Phantom Detective
--Professor Layton and the Curious Village

--Today I Die - Closest they've ever seen to an interactive Poem
--Everyday the Same Dream
--One Chant
--Company of Myself - A puzzle platformer crossed with someone's diary on lonliness
--End of Us - Friendship and attachment portrayed by asteroids
--Freedom Bridge - depressing...?
--Passage - a representation of life in less than 5 minutes

--Might and Magic - Clash of Heroes
--Spacechem - Something similar to Molechemy
--Ilomilo - cute creepy, weird, beautiful, mul;ltiplayer

--Dungeon Fighter

--I <3 Bees
--Year Zero

GOG wishlist:

Alien shooter + expansionsn (mindless iso alien killing)
Arcanum: of steamworks and magic obscura (fallout like)
Betrayal at Krondar Pack (recommended by Spoony)
dragonsphere (free at
Evil Genius
Fallout Tactics
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
ghost master (ghost RTS)
gobliiins pack
lionheart: legacy of the crusader
lords of magic special
master of magic 1994 (civilization like with magic setting)
masters of orion 1-3
mob rule - Mom
nox, sacred (gold edition) - diablo like
Oddworld, all of it
original war
painkiller - quake-like shooter
planescape torment
realms of the haunting
redneck rampage collection
scratches - interactive fiction
septerra core (beware, 100 hours long!)
shadowgrounds - iso shooter
shattered steel
simon the sorcerer 1, 2- SCUMM engine
Spellforce platinum ed
Star Control
Star Wolves
Zork - all of it
Stonekeep (old dungeon crawl RPG)
Syberia 1,2
Ultima123, 456
under a steel sky (IF)
warlords battlecry 3 - RTS/RPG blend
wing commander 1&2
witcher - RPG

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tor Frick on 3D Modeling

Batman visiting hospitals

Police pulled a man over on Route 29 in Silver Spring last week because of a problem with his plates. This would not ordinarily make international news, but the car was a black Lamborghini, the license plate was the Batman symbol, and the driver was Batman, dressed head-to-toe in full superhero regalia.
It didn’t take long before images of the Dark Knight’s encounter with law enforcement began turning up in Facebook news feeds, on CNN and the London tabloids. The episode even made it into Jimmy Fallon’s monologue on NBC earlier this week.
Jokers emerged instantaneously too. “Let him do his job,” one commenter urged on the Post Web site. “Batman has expensive taste,” noted another. Meanwhile, questions about Batman’s identity mounted: “Did they make him take off his mask?” someone asked.
No, they did not. Even Montgomery County police honor a superhero code of conduct, just like the Howard County officers who once helped him with a flat bat tire. Batman told officers his real name was not Bruce Wayne but Lenny B. Robinson, and that his real tags were in the car. (He was not ticketed then, but has been before for a heavy bat foot.)
The Caped Crusader is a businessman from Baltimore County who visits sick children in hospitals, handing out Batman paraphernalia to up-and-coming superheros who first need to beat cancer and other wretched diseases.
I actually know Batman. His parents are dear friends of my wife’s family, and I see him at holiday dinners where my 4-year-old son believes he is the real-life Bruce Wayne. “Daddy, he’s Batman, too,” my son will whisper to me. Though Batman has long been aware that I’m a journalist, he has never suggested I write about him. He does not crave publicity. Like his comic book namesake, he doesn’t seek credit for what he does.
“I’m just doing it for the kids,” he says.
But in light of him going viral — “Gotham City is on the verge of chaos,” Anderson Cooper informed CNN viewers — I asked him whether I could unveil the man behind the mask. He acquiesced but suggested I do so by accompanying him to the cancer ward at Children’s National Medical Center in Northwest Washington for a superhero party thrown by the Hope for Henry organization.
On Monday, he pulled up in his black Lambo with yellow Batman symbols on the doors, the floor mats, the headrests — pretty much everywhere — and he was dressed in his heavy leather and neoprene uniform that he bought from a professional costume maker.
He carried two large bags of Batman books, rubber Batman symbol bracelets and various other toys up to the front desk, where the check-in attendant asked him his name.
“Batman,” he said.

Lenny B. Robinson and Wonder Woman (Leslie Vincent from Cast of Thousands) visit patients at the annual Hope for Henry Superhero Celebration at Georgetown University Hospital. (Allen Goldberg)
Camera phones were snapping. A man in line said, “That’s the guy who got pulled over.” Someone asked where Robin was, and Batman replied, “Home studying for the SATs.”
The check-in attendant asked for identification. Batman said it was in his Batmobile. The check-in attendant, just doing her job, asked for his real name. “Lenny,” he announced. “B, as in Batman. Robinson.”
It took Batman approximately 20 minutes to reach the elevators. He stopped to hand out Batman toys to every child he saw, picking them up for pictures, asking them how they were feeling. LaTon Dicks snapped a photo of Batman standing behind her son DeLeon in his wheelchair. She’d recognized the Batmobile on her way in to the hospital. Like everyone else, she’d seen a TV report on him being stopped by the police and protested, “You can’t pull over Batman.”
When Batman finally reached the elevator for the slow ride up to the cancer ward, I could see his face already sweating behind the mask. He told me he loses 5 to 6 pounds in water weight when he wears the superhero uniform. He paid $5,000 for it. He spends $25,000 a year of his own money on Batman toys and memorabilia. He signs every book, hat, T-shirt and backpack he hands out — Batman.
Batman is 48. He is a self-made success and has the bank account to prove it. He recently sold, for a pile of cash, a commercial cleaning business that he started as a teenager. He became interested in Batman through his son Brandon, who was obsessed with the caped crusader when he was little. “I used to call him Batman,” he told me. “His obsession became my obsession.”
Batman began visiting Baltimore area hospitals in 2001, sometimes with his now teenage son Brandon playing Robin. Once other hospitals and charities heard about his car and his cape, Batman was put on superhero speed dial for children’s causes around the region. He visits sick kids at least couple times a month, sometimes more often. He visits schools, too, to talk about bullying. He does not do birthday parties.
His superhero work is limited to doing good deeds, part of a maturation process in his own life. In his earlier years, he acknowledges that he sometimes displayed an unsuperhero-like temper and got into occasional trouble with the law for fights and other confrontations. Putting on the Batman uniform changes and steadies him.

Lenny B. Robinson, a.k.a. Batman, behind the wheel. (Jonathan Newton - The Washington Post)
“Eventually, it sinks in and you become him,” Batman told me. “It feels like I have a responsibility that’s beyond a normal person. And that responsibility is to be there for the kids, to be strong for them, and to make them smile as much as I can.” He understands that might sound corny, but he doesn’t care.
Batman stepped off the elevator on the fourth floor of Children’s. Spider-Man and Wonder Woman were there too — both professional actors from talent agencies, on the clock. He picked up a little boy and said, “I have a present for you.” He shook hands with a father and handed him a yellow rubber Batman bracelet, saying, “This will bring you good luck.” The father said, “We need good luck.”
The parents always say that.
Batman asked each child his or her name. He lifted up almost every child. Many were weak, their hair thin from chemo. He always told them, “I have a present for you.” When a little girl ran away, perhaps a bit scared, Batman said, “That’s the story of Batman’s love life.” (He is divorced.)
Batman overheard a mother tell someone that her toddler was going home the next day, and holding the toddler, and hugging him gently, Batman said, “I’m really glad you are feeling better.”
Stephanie Broadhead of California, Md., was leaning against the wall while her 10-year-old daughter Claire was having her face drawn by an artist. Claire has leukemia. Batman stopped by to marvel at the picture and hand Claire some gifts. “This makes a very hard thing to deal with a little easier,” Claire’s mom said.
Superhero visits to hospitals let kids be kids in a scary, adult place, but the activities are indeed therapeutic, too, the chief doctor on the cancer floor told me.
“These visits provide an immediate boost for these kids,”said Jeffrey Dome, the oncology division chief at Children’s. “Some of these children have to stay for weeks or months at a time. That wears down the children and it wears down the family. You have to keep up morale. A visit from a superhero is sort of like a fantasy in the middle of all this hard-core therapy.”
As Batman wandered around from child to child, I asked him, “Isn’t this hard?”
His children are healthy. My children are healthy.
“We are very lucky,” he said. “All I can say is we are very, very lucky.”
The party began winding down. Spider-Man changed out of his costume. Wonder Woman changed out of hers. They said goodbye to Batman, still working the floor, as he posed for a photo with a patient’s father. The father thanked Batman and said, “I saw you on the news — Route 29.”
“I think everyone saw me on Route 29,” Batman acknowledged. He asked the nurses at the front desk whether there were any children who couldn’t come out of their rooms to see him.
Assured that there weren’t, Batman headed back down to his Batmobile, followed by the mother of a baby girl with cancer and her healthy 4-year-old son, whose only goal in life at that moment was to see the Batmobile. When the boy saw the car, I thought his eyeballs were going to separate from his body. (Batman is actually in the process of having a just-like-the-movies Batmobile built for $250,000, but it’s not ready yet.)
Batman revved the engines and blasted the audio system — the Batman theme song. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Batman! He revved the engine some more. The little boy didn’t want to say goodbye, but his mom told him, “Batman needs to go fight the bad guys.”
The little boy cried.
“I want to go help him fight the bad guys,” he said.
His mom said, “You need to go help your sister fight cancer.”
Batman sped away.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


About Hunger Games
“The Hunger Games” taps into a vibrant current of pop culture and indeed of Western civilization in general, one that never really runs dry. It’s the idea that our species remains cruel and barbarous at heart, that the strong will always rule the weak by whatever means necessary, and that our collective obsession with sports and games and other forms of manufactured entertainment is a flimsy mask for sadism and voyeurism. Collins’ only real innovations to this formula are a post-Buffy female action hero at its center — clearly a crucial component of her success — and a slick, propulsive packaging with very little scene description or social context. (The first-person, present-tense, limited-omniscient narration of “The Hunger Games” feels more like a movie treatment than a conventional novel.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

superman and thundercats

FAFSA Exit Counseling tl;dr

You must complete the Financial Aid exit counseling online. This is a _MANDATORY 
_requirement by the Federal Government.  If you do not complete this requirement you will 
_NOT_ graduate from DigiPen Institute of Technology.  This means you will need to 
complete this requirement asap and best to do it before mid-terms and finals!

Before you begin you will need to have your SSN, DOB, your FAFSA pin # and 3 personal 
references (one must be next to kin) including name, address and phone number in order to 
complete this process.

This process should only take about 10 minutes of your time.  Please follow the 
instructions below:

1) Visit

2) Click exit counseling

3) Click start under loan exit counseling

4) Click next and read the information regarding the intro and basics

5) You will then need to login into exit counseling by entering in your SSN, DOB, your 
PIN (same number to access your FAFSA provided by the Dept of Ed.) and submit.

6) Once you access the exit counseling section, you will read and learn about your loan, 
the type of loan, terminology, estimated monthly payments, how much you owe, when you 
repay, repayment plans, resources, etc.

7) Lastly, you will be prompted to take a quiz.  A series of questions will be asked 
based upon the information regarding your loan(s).

8) Final step is to submit your quiz results.  DigiPen will be notified by the Department 
of Education that you completed the process.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact

4th Amendment and Schools


Latin Phrases

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Flash External Library

Game Maker stuff
Vertigo Inducing High Views

Lost ancient cities

5 lost cities of the future

55 airplane graveyards

home concpets of the future

drowned churches

Spiral Stairs

Colorful Lakes

Bionic Buildings

most colorful towns on earth

19 unusual beds

Monasteries in precarious places